Stampede badges for your website or blog

Show your support and Stampede pride by adding an "I Stampede" badge to your website or blog. There are 4 different badges to choose from. The code for each badge is under the picture. Here is the instructions to add a badge to a Blogger blog. (Other blogging platforms are similar)

1) Choose the badge you want.
2) Highlight and copy (Ctrl C) all of the code under the badge.
3) From your blog's Dashboard, choose "Layout."
4) Choose "Add a Gadget."
5) From the list, Choose HTML/JavaScript
6) Paste (Ctrl V) the code in the Content box.
7) Click "Save"

<a href="" target="_blank"><center><img src="" /></center></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><center><img src="" /></center></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><center><img src="" /></center><br /></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><center><img src="" /></center></a>

P.S. Thanks to Bridget for designing our new logo and other images.

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